Matt’s Top 5 Things to Do in Broome!

Matt’s Top 5 Things to Do in Broome!

I’ll be performing my hit Comedy Hypnosis Show ‘Feelgood Factory’ in Broome on Friday 22 August. But While I’m in Broome I can’t wait to check out my favourite spots/activities and maybe discover some new favourites!! Here are my top 5!...
Kicking That Sneaky Lockdown Drinking Habit

Kicking That Sneaky Lockdown Drinking Habit

Are we drinking more? Did your drinking sneak up on you during lockdown? Worryingly, nearly 20% of Australians surveyed in recent ANU data consumed more alcohol during restrictions than they did pre-pandemic. But it’s not so bad – is it? Yes. Habits form quickly and...
Weight Loss – The Sustainable Solution

Weight Loss – The Sustainable Solution

Have you been lockdown snacking? How are you feeling about your #lockdownbody? According to a recent CSIRO survey of people emerging from Covid-19 lockdown – 66% of people have been exercising less, 41% of people are suffering emotionally and 36% of people have...
Quit Fear, Quit Smoking

Quit Fear, Quit Smoking

Do you smoke? Are you concerned about the additional health risks if you smoke? The reality is that if you’re a smoker you’re more likely to get acute respiratory infections and have a higher risk of those infections becoming severe. There has never been a better time...
Putting the Brain Into Your Physical Game

Putting the Brain Into Your Physical Game

Whilst the world continues to be gripped by the Coronavirus global pandemic, here in Australia we are starting to see restrictions ease. As restrictions start to roll back people will be able to once again participate in team sports. For the past few months everyone,...

Getting Your Business Mojo Back!

  The current pandemic has changed business’s and our economy drastically. Many businesses are now having to adapt at speed to our new way of life and find ways to deliver their services in completely new ways just to survive. All businesses are having to...
Have a Holiday Without Leaving the House!

Have a Holiday Without Leaving the House!

Helping you beat the no holiday blues Despite our isolation restrictions loosening in the past weeks, Australia still has a ‘do not travel’ ban in place. And travel between states/regions remains restricted. Many people may find their state of mind slipping without...
Fixing Sleep Issues

Fixing Sleep Issues

COVID19 has certainly changed the we live our everyday lives. It has affected many of our daily routines, and one of its biggest reported impacts has been that on sleep – insomnia kicks in when we are anxious. So many people are finding themselves with sleep...